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Démarré par Sebkos, 10 Septembre 2006 à 16:24:58

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WinUAE n'en fini pas, et heureusement pour nous, voici que déboule il y a quelques jours la dernière version en date, la 1.3.2!

En plus de corriger quelques bugs, une nouvelle fonction, et pas des moindres fais son apparition, les save-state pour les jeux CD-32, cette fonction en est qu'à ses débuts, mais j'imagine que cela va plaire à bien des gens ça!  :)) Quelqu'un à testé cette nouvelle fonction?

Télécharger WinUAE sur :

-->Insert Disk 2
-->Le site officiel de WinUAE


Il y a quelques jours, une version WIP de WinUAE est sorti, la 1.3.3:))

-> Site Officiel

Human Ktulu

Apparament, Benjamin Siskoo tiens bon et met a chaque fois le fichier de traduction a jour, pourvu que ca dure !!!  (saute)

Sinon il y a apparament un meilleur support du son, la prise en charge du 7zip (youpi !), et une meilleur prise en charge du format dms, vraiment cette prochaine version apporte aussi son lot de bonnes choses !


Pfiouu ça avance vite et bien chez WinUAE !

Voici que débarque la toute nouvelle version, la 1.6.0 !!  (saute)

Pleins de nouvelles fonctions, et quelques corrections de bugs.

New features:

- Very popular request: automatic display scaling/window resizing!
  (not compatible with all programs) Option in Filter-panel.
- PAL/NTSC vertical size change emulated in filter modes.
- Transparent clipboard sharing between Amiga clipboard.device and
  Windows clipboard, both Amiga->Windows and Windows->Amiga supported.
  Text and images supported, HAM6/8 automatically converted to 24-bit
  image, EHB converted to 64-color image. Images with less than 256
  colors images converted to standard IFF, higher color images converted
  to 24-bit IFF. Text converted to plain text, formatting possible in
- "Interlace fixer", interlaced screens are now rock solid, all interlace
  artifacts will be gone. (this feature isn't same as scandoubler or
  flickerfixer and not compatible with most games)
- VirtualPC VHD dynamic harddisk image support (dynamic = empty hardfile
  is very small, size grows automatically when more data gets written)
- Custom chipset emulation updates, horizontally mixed lores and hires
  modes work and more (for example Disposable Hero titlescreen is
  finally perfect, Oops Up ray color issue)
- Mouse emulation rewritten (Oil Imperium pipelining minigame)
- 10 sector and 81/82 track PC/Atari ST disk images supported.
- Diskspare disk images supported.
- OCS/ECS "7-planes" mode fully implemented (4 normal bitplanes + 2
  static 16-bit patterns for planes 5 and 6) 1st Anniversary by Lazy
  Bones has 100% correct display now.
- SuperHires supprted in lores and filtered lores modes.
- 320x256, 640x512, 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024 always added to RTG
  mode list (320x200 and 320x240 was already available previously)
- RTG mode vertical blanking interrupt implemented without busy
  waiting, interrupt rate added, configuration added to GUI.
- Filter multiplier select boxes now support manually entered
  multipliers, for example 2.5 = 2.5x. Aspect ratio correction added.
- Full drawing tablet support. (must be wintab compatible)
- "Magic mouse" mode improvements.
- Parallel port joystick adapter configuration added to Gameports panel
  (Much easier and quicker than using Input panel configuration)
- Input device type (mouse, digital joystick, analog joystick, lightpen
  etc..) selection added to Gameports panel. (Less need for complex
  Input panel configuration)
- WinUAE is now unicode Windows application, added full unicode support
  to configuration files. (backwards compatibility still maintained)
- PortAudio v19 audio library support. ASIO, WDM-KS (Windows XP low
  level sound API), WASAPI (Vista low level sound API), lower latency
  sound. NOTE: WDM-KS is unstable in current PortAudio version.
- Added new 64-bit seek and size dos packets to filesystem emulation.
- ICD AdIDE "scrambled" IDE disk and hardfile format supported, also
  includes automatic byteswap detection.
- Include some monitor unsupported modes in display modes list because
  some drivers lists custom modes as unsupported with current monitor
  (even if they work just fine..)
- ASCII-only and experimental Epson matrix printer emulation added, do
  not print anything if less than 10 bytes received.
- Added support for Windows Recent Documents/Windows 7 Jump Lists.

1.5.3 bug fixes:

- Random CD32 pad button events without enabled pad.
- Mid horizontal line graphics mode change fix (for example Cover Girl
  Strip Poker)
- ECS Agnus 0.5M+0.5M "1M chip" mirror works again (Move Any Mountain)
- Rainbow Islands one missing horizontal line fixed.

Other bug fixes:

- Directory filesystem bug fixes (very old bugs), ACTION MODE CHANGE
  fixed, also fixed case that caused lost file comments, show >2G files
  as 2G - 1 instead of showing "random" 32-bit truncated value.
- HAM mode graphics errors if left border was not fully visible.
- Some crashing bugs fixed.
- uaeserial.device unit 10 or larger works now.
- Early boot menu PAL/NTSC switching works properly, previously only
  worked after reset.
- CD32 CD emulation is now compatible with newer cd.device (comes
  with FMV cartridge boot ROM)
- KS loader 16-bit odd/even ROM image to 32-bit merging fixed.
- A1000 bootstrap ROM in even/odd format loading fixed.
- Another non-interlace to interlace switch graphics corruption fixed.
- Sprite graphics garbage appeared in some rare cases.
- Restoring statefile without GUI enabled emptied all floppy drives.
- lha extended datestamps fixed. 7zip updated, datestamps supported.
- Recursive archives as a harddrive support improved.
- RTG display refresh crash in some specific situations.
- Switching cycle-exact mode on the fly sometimes freezed the blitter.
- Screenshots in windowed D3D modes fixed.
- 100% stereo separation was not working properly.
- Much improved sound stability/syncronization.

Bon y'a pleins de choses que je comprend pas mais bon ...   (ouf)

A télécharger sur ID2 ou bien sur le site officiel.

Bon test et bon jeu !

Thes tu m'as eu de quelques minutes pour la new !!  (mdr) (amis) :flower:

Vive ID2 et vive WINUAE !!!

Human Ktulu


Merci pour l'info, j'avais zapper cette news. Faut dire qu'il y a eu environs une 20aines de béta, on l'aura attendu cette version stable  :lol:

Autre chose, pourquoi ne pas mettre en lien la version dispo sur Emunova qui inclus le fichier de traduction en français ?


Ah ben justement je voulais savoir si la traduction était toujours d'actualité !  ^_^

Oki donki !


Depuis quelques temps une nouvelle version de WinUAE est dispo ! La 1.6.1  ;o)


Une nouvelle version, la 2.0.0 est prévu d'ici la fin de l'année !!!  (saute)

WinUAE 2.0.0 WIP #2 (29.08.2009)

Estimated release date: Autumn/Winter 2009

Main new features:

- Huge A500 cycle-exact emulation compatibility improvement. Previous
  "approximate cycle-exact" is gone. It is time for REAL cycle-exact emulation!
- Greatly improved unexpanded A1200/CD32 emulation compatibility. Approximate
  cycle-exact 68EC020/68020 emulation implemented, includes emulated
  instruction cache, approximate prefetch emulation.
- 68040 MMU emulation (from Aranym) finally merged. For example Enforcer and
  M68K Linux compatibility. (NOTE: not compatible with JIT)

Image of my poor Amiga 500 used for CE mode compatibility testing.

Other updates:

- CD32 drive emulation compatibility improved.
- Built-in WASAPI sound API support.
- Less annoying real harddrive safetycheck.
- Full NTSC timing implemented (long/short line toggle etc..)
- "AutoVSync" mode that change native refresh rates automatically (50Hz/60Hz)
- Basic CPU frequency/bus multiplier configuration option added.

Older bugs fixed:

- Programmed refresh rate modes had bad sound. (1.6.1)
- Command line parsing special cases fixed. (1.6.0)

blue light

bonjour ,
La version 2.2.0 de WinUAE est dispo !
GO ! ---->Site officiel de WinUAE


Merci blue light pour l'information qui a été rajouté illico à la page NEWS du site !

blue light

Bah, si avec tout ça j'ai pas les chevilles qui enflent ! :))


On est cajolé chez ID2 ;)

blue light

Tant qu'on évite les bisous ou les fleurs, ça va  :flower: (mdr)

blue light

Un peu de nouveauté pour WinUAE: version française dispo chez ---->Tradu-france


Impec' Merci Blue Light !  (amis)

C'est super ces traductions je trouve ! Il va falloir mettre ça sur le site, puis un lien de Tradu France !  :wub:

Purée, déjà la version 2.3.0 en cours !!! Ils n'arrêtent pas !  (danse)