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ouais, bin moi je trouve que sur certains trucs ça regresse :
- l'effet de changement de resolution horizontalement (Runaway/2000ad ou Disposable hero) ça redeconne un peu
- des configs A4000 HD qui demarre plus
- et un slide utilisant Scala qui me donne un ecran noir avec toutes les configs

faut reporter ces bugs pour qu'ils les corrige

WinUAE 2.3.2 released (02.06.2011)

New features:

- AROS ROM replacement development snapshot included, replaces old
  very basic ROM replacement feature, used by default if official
  KS ROM is not found.
- New autofire option. Button released = autofire. Button pressed = normal
  non-autofire firebutton.
- Stop the CPU and wait until blitter has finished if any blitter register
  is accessed while blitter is busy and CPU mode is fastest possible.
  Better workaround than immediate blitter for programs that have blitter
  wait bugs with fast CPU.
- Serial port telnet server.


- Disk emulation accuracy improved
  (Codertrash / Mexx, El Egg Tronic Quarts / Quadlite)
- CIA timer undocumented startup delays emulated (Risky Woods sound
- win32.floppy_path and win32.hardfile_path really works as expected.
- Display panel refresh rate accepts non-integer values.

Bug fixes:

- Implemented workaround that should fix Direct3D blank screen problem.
- Sample ripper crash.
- 68000 exception 3 emulation fixed again. (Broke compatibility with some
  very old copy protections, for example Soldier of Light and Zoom!)
- Reset bug that broke Arcadia mode, A1000 mode and Action Replay ROMs.
- Automatic resolution switch interlace detection was unreliable.
- CD32 early boot menu is accessible again.
- Rare crash when switching from fullscreen RTG mode to native mode.
- Borderblank chipset feature didn't work in ECS Denise mode.
- Possible input configuration corruption due to uninitialized variable.
- Color change table overflow crash that can happen when emulated
  program crashes really badly.

Ca y'est ! Super!

Merci pour la new Fredko !!  :flower:

Début d'une nouvelle série de bêta pour la future version 2.3.3
http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?p=762209#post762209 :wink:


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