Salut à tous,
sur le forum d'Amiga life on peut lire en exclusivité ce que contient déjà la prochaine version de l'OS, explications données mi décembre par Thomas Richter, l'un des principaux developpeurs.
bonne lecture (en anglais cela dit). (
voici un extrait :
The above screenshot was published in September (see "Sources" below), and shows many of the new features: font sensitive GadTools GUI, shell command history (with tab completion), printer settings with arbitrary device(-name), system-window-wide "iconify"-gadget, to name just a few.
On Dec. 16th, user "4pLaY" made a series of forum posts on AmigaLife (see link below), publishing technical detail information obtained from AmigaOS developer Thomas Richter, about the various new features and the numerous bugfixes and improvements in AmigaOS 3.2. For example we learn that utility.library got a couple of new string handling functions, that the bootmenu ("Amiga Early Startup Control") got some new settings, GadTools DrawBevelBox() function can now draw another type of bevel-box design, and many, many more little or not-so-little changes. Very interesting read - for users, and maybe even more for developers, for the countless technical hints you get.
By the way, it is also rumoured that a new SDK (Software Development Kit) can be expected. (See "Sources" below for all the bits and rumours.)