Pour les amateurs de la demoscene ATARI, le groupe TSCC vient de sortir une mega ISO avec une tonne de demos ATARI ST, TT, Falcon.
TSCC is extremely proud to present you the biggest Atari Demo Scene archive
there is... entitled: Fujiology. Based on the ashes of the No Fragments CD-series
we gathered together as many Atari Scene releases we could find. The archive
was compiled by yours truly (Lotek Style) mostly during the year 2013.
The archive features 4 sections. The main section features releases for the
Atari ST (11.280 Files). Then there are bonus sections for TT (16 Files),
MAGS (3.021 Files), JAGUAR (471 Files) and FALCON (1.247 Files). Further
sections are planned to be included in future updates.
If you find any bugs or have missing files (marked yellow in the database) don't
hesitate to contact me.
Share and enjoy!
Lotek Style / The Sirius Cybernetics Corp.
1st of January 2014
* Download or browse the archive: http://fujiology.untergrund.net/
* At Pouet.Net: http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=62347
vu sur : http://www.dhs.nu/news.php?t=single&ID=863