[MATERIEL] Indivision (scandoubler/flickerfixer et plus)

Démarré par Lio, 02 Septembre 2009 à 19:23:05

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voici ce qu'on peut lire actuellement dans le forum d'Amiga.org à propos des avantages de ce matériel :

Originally Posted by cv643d

I have been thinking about the RGB cable too since the RGB cable gives very crisp output, but as I understood the image on a 50" plasma which have VGA input is going to look better from an Indivision than from an A500 with an RGB cable connected to it?

I do not know how TV's work but LCD/Plasma scale the image to fit the resolution of the TV, and sometimes this scaling can look bad.

First of all, not all TVs support the 15khz horizontal/50Hz vertical frequency that an Amiga sends out. Although these are the frequencies that have been used for TV for decates, some "modern" TVs require PC frequencies at their RGB input. If your TV supports these low TV frequencies on the PC input, you're lucky and a basic display is possible without Indivision ECS.

You might still want to think about an Indivision, there is a number of advantages:

- scanline emulation
If you really plan on using your Amiga on a modern Plasma TV, you don't see the classic scanlines that a lot of games are designed for. Games mostly look better if you watch them on a CRT, but the flicker and radiation makes it a fairly unhealthy experience to your eyes. Modern displays are a lot better for your eyes, but you're trading the classic look. Indivision even gives you the classic look on a moden display.

- proper de-interlacing
Some TVs do de-interlace, which is mostly called "100Hz technology" in Europe. However, they often use comb-filters on top of that, which distorts certain pictures that are pretty normal on an Amiga workbench. Indivision AGA leaves the image unchanged and sends it to the display exactly the way it was sent from the computer.

- Graffiti built-in
Maybe not the killer-application, but it increases the number of colours on a lores screen. Programs that are written for the Graffiti will display the correct gfx instead of the broken-looking command&pixel data that would be displayed on a normal TV

- HighGFX support
HighGFX is a package that adds more screenmodes to your Amiga, but it does it at a price: Sync frequencies are extremely off the standard, and only a small amount of true multisync monitors can really display these modes. With Indivision ECS, the output frequency is always at VGA levels or higher, so the probability of a good display will be increased by magnitudes.

- PAL output at 62.5Hz
If your TV is an NTSC product, it may have a minimum vertical frequency of 60Hz, just like many PC monitors have. Unfortunately, many games and demos on the Amiga are switching to PAL, mostly un-noticed by the user if they used a 1084 monitor before. If you're trying to give a PAL signal to an NTSC TV, you will most probably see a "mode not supported" (or similar) warning, if you see a warning at all. Indivision ECS has a mode where the output frequency is not just twice as high (as it has been on other flickerfixers for the past 18 years), but 2.5 times higher. This results in 39kHz horizontal and 62.5Hz vertical frequency, which is well within the range of most monitors and TVs with PC input. Although this is asyncronous to the Amiga's vertical blank, tearing effects are fairly low due to the syncronisation between the pictures. If your TV supports 50Hz, you can even de-grade to the classic "x2" flickerfixer type and have no tearing at all (provided that your TV doesn't introduce tearing on it's own).

- ECS Denise built-in
Last but not least, you upgrade your computer if you don't already own a Hires Denise (the ECS Denise). Even if you only have an ECS Agnus, but an OCS Denise, the computer will find an ECS Denise and offer you the new screenmodes associated with ECS, such as productivity and S-Hires modes. Productivity may not be all that interesting, as it was an attempt to get around the flickerfixer problem (which is solved by Indivision anyway), but S-Hires gives you quite some resolution on the workbench - ever seen 1280 by 512 pixels flicker-free on an almost-unmodded Amiga? Note that the ECS modes will only be dispalyed correctly on the Indivision output. While the 23-pin RGB output remains active, it will display garbage in a setup where you use an ECS screenmode with an OCS Denise.

Ces propos viennent de Jens Schoenfield d'Individual Computers (fabricant très connu de matériels pour ordinateur C64 et Amiga).
voici le lien : http://www.amiga.org/forums/showthread.php?t=49053
A1200PPC+BVPPC (en tour), A1200+B1260, A1200+B1230, AmigaOneG4@1.26GHz+ATI Radeon 9000PRO+AmigaOS4.1, Amiga X-5000@2x2GHz+Radeon R7-250+(pre)AmigaOS4.1FE

Human Ktulu

Une nouvelle mise a jour du firmware est sortie soit dit en passant :)

Citation de: Obligement- Mise à jour du noyau de l'indivision AGA
Le constructeur allemand Individual Computers a mis à disposition, dans sa section "support" la mise à jour 1.5 du noyau de l'Indivision AGA (1200 et aussi CD32/A4000). Les archives incluent également les mises à jour v1.22 des outils "config-tool" et "flash-tool". Notez que le revendeur Relec fournit sur sa page dédiée à l'Indivision, une version francaise du "readme" de cette mise à jour : relec.ch/frch/files/Lisez_moi122.pdf.